Video description
Just in time for CES 2011, this BlackBerry PlayBook web fidelity video demonstrates rich multimedia, Adobe Flash games and social networking websites like Facebook running in the BlackBerry Browser.
由這段Video 可見玩兒書可以流暢地支援Flash
,讓用家可以有一個完善嘅的Internet experience呀!不會像iPad般要用家下載一大堆Apps,有些還是收費的!
,讓用家可以有一個完善嘅的Internet experience呀!不會像iPad般要用家下載一大堆Apps,有些還是收費的!
One of the main reasons people are buying the ipad is all the apps. PlayBook is showing that in most cases the only thing you need is the real internet. Apple don't have nearly as many apps as the internet has. On the PlayBook you can use those apps on the ipad you can't. Because if apple gave you flash it would kill the app store. Its not about battery life its about forcing you to buy crap that you can get for free elsewhere. That's why ios will never have flash